My First Blog

This is how I start and how I intend to continue.

My next door neighbour is a lady called Helen and she is a solicitor. She lives with a Somali Muslim who teaches mathematics. He drinks and smokes and just about tolerates  the company of the three playful dogs in our enclave. I rub along with him but am more comfortable with Helen, a white English woman from the midlands.

The other day I surprised her by saying I could see no answer to the Palestinian problem since a two state solution was simply pie in the sky.

Surely, she said, compromise through negotiation and good will has to be practised until the ‘peace process’ finally succeeded. I dare say her attitude is almost universal among westerners because to her a permanent state of hostilities is unthinkable.

And there of course lies the problem that our political leaders are unable to tackle. They, like her, believe with the right amount of goodwill and honest compromise, peace in Palestine will at last come about.

What they are unable to comprehend is that they are dealing with people culturally completely unlike themselves, westerners who regard negotiation as a process of compromise leading to a conclusion of benefit to both participants.

But the Muslim sees all conflict in stark black and white. There is no compromise. He sees only victory or defeat, honour or shame, there is no middle ground. So when Israel swaps land for peace as they did in Gaza, the West expects Gazans to regard the deal as conclusive and the beginning of a new chapter of mutual benefit for Jew and Arab.

Recent history has shown otherwise. Gaza was merely another step on the prescribed road to supremacy of Muslim over Jew (and every other unbeliever). The final goal of course being the destruction of the state of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish race throughout the world together with the imposition of universal sharia and the dhimmitude of all unbelievers.

In an interview with Israel Hayom, Ayaan Hirshi Ali spells it out. She says: ’From the perspective of the Arab leaders, reaching a two-state solution is to betray God. If you want peace and not merely a process, you must make peace with the people. The negotiators themselves are of no importance. Because to the Arabs, reaching a 2-state solution is to betray God, the Koran, the hadith and Islam.’ *

So it is the Arab people themselves, not just their leaders, who have to be convinced that the right way is the West’s way, the Judaeo-Christian way, and that their way is simply wrong.

Which will never happen so long as islam exists.

* Ayaan Hirshi Ali at the Presidential Conference in Jerusalem, 28 June 2013:

12 thoughts on “My First Blog

  1. As usual, Badger has told it the way it is. Any adverse criticism will be born of tedious PC attitudes, which are slowly destroying Western culture. Watching the ‘Jungle’ British anarchists, one is left with a feeling of dismay. Similarly, those strange people who demonstrated for ‘Refugees Welcome’ are a sign of a sick society. Unless our authorities start to deal with such deviants, our way of life will be seriously under threat.

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